To be used in sewage treatment systems / waste water cleaning stations.

 How to use:

SIOLIT OXYGEN may be added where it is most convenient. Generally, it should be added as far away from the cleaning station as possible. It may even be added via a privat toilet, thus making its process starting all the way through the piping system. It may also be added at a pumping station or similar treatment station. When sewage water is running long distances through pipes, it can be very bad smelling, when it arrives at some open air point, e.g. a pumping station. If SIOLIT OXYGEN has been added already at the beginning of the pipes, then after a few days, the bad smell will be greatly reduced. This may be of value, if the treatment plant is situated in an area, where people are living.

 Amount to be used:

It is generally assumed, the amount of water used pr. day for one person is 200 litres. In the start-up phase, usually 14 - 21 days, an amount of 1 gram pr. 50 persons pr. day should be used, depending upon the amount of industrial waste water in the system. If the waste water is highly oxygen consuming, a little more S.O. may be used. If the amount of industrial waste water is low, the amount of S.O. may be reduced to ½ gram pr. day pr. 50 persons.

* references:

As S.O. is a new product, and only very few sewage treatment stations have tested the product. So far, excellent results have been achived at cities in Denmark, Norway and Finland. Especially the station in Finland has been interesting, as the waste water there is having a very high content of industrial pollution from a local tannery (leather making).

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